Sichuan Province Shoudong Renewable Resource Recycling Co., Ltd.

Sichuan Province Shoudong Renewable Resource Recycling Co., Ltd.
Industrial waste
Business Scope:
Long-term undertaking housing demolition, clo
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Long-term undertake housing demolition Closure of factory recycling, demolition of buildings, fully qualified, professional demolition demolition team, operating efficiency, safe secure, often participate in < span> Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing other provinces cities bidding, financial strength, while long-term high recovery idle equipment, scrap metal (copper, scrap metal, scrap, aluminum scrap other non-ferrous metals) Hotel supplies, hotel supplies, electronic products, honesty, professional management. Welcome to the new old customers to negotiate business! ...See More Information>>
Sichuan Province Shoudong Renewable Resource Recycling Co., Ltd.
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  • Company Name:Sichuan Province Shoudong Renewable Resource Recycling Co., Ltd.
  • Technology Support:wangyou
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112